Monday, September 14, 2015

Defining Technical Writing

Dear Mrs. Smith,


Defining technical writing is difficult even for those of us in the field. Finding a definition that encompasses the diverse activities that a technical writer is qualified to do is an arduous task. I prefer David Dobrin’s definition in “What’s Technical about Technical Writing”. Dobrin says that “technical writing is writing that accommodates technology to the user”. I prefer this definition because it calls specific focus to the technological processes that the tech writer is writing about and not simply the act of writing “technically”. Some aspects of technical writing is that it has a specific format, whether that be a manual, Quick Reference Card, or warning labels on a device, each has its own format. Technical writing also has an objective style. Technical writing is very different from creative writing. Technical writers have the goal of clarity and this is done through writing in concrete, clear, objective writing. Finally, technical writing is primarily technical in content. Technical writers traditionally do not use objective writing to write a creative story. A technical writers’ job is to write about something technical in aspect, such as an instruction manual for a power drill.

In my specific internship experience, a technical writer is useful for editing. Working for a charitable organization involves a lot of persuasion. For instance, a technical writer for a charity will spend a time editing brochures, grant proposals, and press releases so that the organization has its best chance of receiving grants and donations. The technical writer is very important in this because he or she is specifically trained in editing for grammar as well as content and style. The technical writer helps the organization look professional and keeps their writing focused and effective.

The hire of a technical writer adds numerous benefits to a company. As I discussed above, a technical writer works with the company to manage the company’s image and appeal. If a company produces writing filled with grammatical errors or gaps information, they do not look professional and may even lose business or clients. A technical writer is trained to spot those errors and gaps. A technical writer is also qualified to produce their own content. For example, a tech writer can produce an instruction manual outlining the company’s hiring policies that can be provided to all hiring managers to have a standardized policy for hiring employees. The work of the technical writer makes a company more organized and efficient because they are all on the same page.

The value of a tech writer from a humanities department is more than what is usually thought. A humanities degree gives the individual training in the writing aspects like editing, grammar, and syntax that the sciences departments may not train in. A humanities degree also gives the individual research skills that are valuable to the individual educating themselves on the technical aspect they are writing about.

Technical writing may be a difficult concept to define, but it is a valuable skill and would benefit any company.


Jessica Parke

Women Helping Women Technical Writing Intern

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